A Message From Us

On behalf of WAHAB JUTE MILLS LIMITED, Khulna, Bangladesh, I would like to express my heartiest gratitude to our distinguished foreign buyers, local suppliers, financial institutions, and other stakeholders for their wholehearted continuous support to running our industry from the very beginning of its establishment since 2006.

A glorious decade has passed as we engaged our skills & professionals with a group of trained workers to ensure product acceptability to our customers. We believe in the meantime we achieved your trust in our quality, commitment, and regularity of shipment.

I am happy to say that Jute has regained its recognition as the golden fiber of Bangladesh. In this regard, appreciation belongs to our Governments for their firm commitments, effort, and steps for combating synthetics.

We are also happy to create employment opportunities for the people of our backward society. Our industry is free from gender discrimination; more than three fourth of its workers are female, which is a remarkable women's participation in the national economy. Working environment, worker safety, security, and other compliances are ensured as per international standards.

We would like to request all the distinguished carpet manufacturers and consumers to patronize jute yam to make a global environment that is free from pollution.

Sk. Farook Hossain

Managing Director

Wahab Jute Mills Ltd.